What to think about Wikileaks?[upd.]

US Congressmen Ron Paul made some quite useful remarks on how to deal with Wikileaks. Although he is republican, he asks the right questions:

„No one questions the status quo or suggests a wholesale rethinking of our foreign policy.  No one suggests that the White House or the State Department should be embarrassed that the U.S. engages in spying and meddling.  The only embarrassment is that it was made public. This allows ordinary people to actually know and talk about what the government does.  But state secrecy is anathema to a free society.  Why exactly should Americans be prevented from knowing what their government is doing in their name?“ (fulltext)


For those who are looking for a nice overview about whats going on about Wikileaks in the media nowadays should take a look at this Video. Wikileaks explained (in german).


Finally, Julian Assange’s view on Wikileaks, Interview


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