I joined the Transatlantic Cybersecurity Partnership

I joined the Transatlantic Cybersecurity Partnership facilitated by the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies and the Hanns-Seidel Foundation. The project description reads as follows

In the context of three meetings in Munich, Berlin, and Washington, DC, the working group of 10 American and 10 German policymakers will be discussing policies to address threats posed by cyber war and digital propaganda. These include digital propaganda affecting the democratic process during elections, and daily cyber security attacks that target government, military, and public service providers’ critical infrastructure. In addition, the national and international legal grey zone for many aspects of cybersecurity makes agreement between policymakers of both countries on cybersecurity norms critical. Cooperation between the private sector and government entities on best practices for ensuring cybersecurity is equally vital as tech firms have the cutting-edge ability to prevent and warn of cyberattacks.

The members of the working group are developing policy recommendations, which will be published and made available for both German and American policymakers as well as the general public. The Transatlantic Cybersecurity Partnership aims to:

  • improve information-sharing between the two countries on key cyber threats;
  • increase understanding between the private sector and government entities on best practices for ensuring cybersecurity;
  • expand the research on solutions to cybersecurity threats; and to
  • move the legislative and policy conversation in both countries to ensure budgets, standards, infrastructure, early warning, and risk management systems are in place to protect national and international security.
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