Over the last few weeks I have read Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror (2016), the memoirs of former NSA and CIA spymaster General Michael Hayden. The following post will present the general topics of some of the chapters as well as some points I find noteworthy.
Podcast-Review: Die Grenzen von Nachrichtendiensten und Überwachung bei der Terrorabwehr
Ich habe kürzlich einen sehr guten Podcast der Kollegen von Blogs of War gehört, welcher recht aufgeklärt und sachlich über die Grenzen des bisherigen Überwachungsparadigmas der Terrorbekämpfung berichtet. Da der Podcast auf Englisch ist, habe mich entschlossen ein paar interessante Punkte für die deutsche Debatte zu übersetzen. Der Podcast enthält ein Interview mit Patrick Skinner, […]
Rid, Thomas (2012) Cyberwar will not take place (Review and noteworthy points)
I‘am currently studying Thomas Rid’s (2012) Book ‘Cyberwar will not take place‘. It is a great book resolves many misconceptions that politicians and military thinkers have about the trendy hype-concept called cyberwar.
What I learned playing Democracy 3 or why the world will not change….
During the holidays I had some time and picked up Democracy 3 in a Steam-sale for a few Euros. Democracy 3 is a splendid democracy simulator by Positech Games and particularly insightful for studying how policies, voters and outcomes are connected. You can choose to be the head of state of several countries (USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada and […]
Review: Exceptional Security Practices, Human Rights Abuses, and the Politics of Legal Legitimation in the American “Global War on Terror”
I’am currently reading Rebecca Sanders Dissertation about „Exceptional Security Practices, Human Rights Abuses, and the Politics of Legal Legitimation in the American “Global War on Terror” “ for my own project. She sheds a bright light on laws concerning surveillance and other exceptional security measures like human rights abuses in Guantanamo bay and many more. […]