Das Resultat von gut zwei Jahren Arbeit ist nun öffentlich – meine SWP Studie zu Frage, wie Staaten mit Sicherheitslücken umgehen sollten. Sogenannte 0-Day Lücken sind dem Software-Hersteller unbekannte Schwachstellen im Code von Soft/Hardware. Sie können unbemerkt von Cyber-Angreifern ausgenutzt werden, da es keinen Sicherheitspatch dagegen gibt. Das macht 0-Days zu wertvollen Ressourcen zwischenstaatlicher Cyber-Konflikte. […]
Op-ed: Germany Develops Offensive Cyber Capabilities Without A Coherent Strategy of What to Do With Them
Cyber security in Germany is weird. The country preps for cyber war by developing capabilities for cyber offense but has no clear strategy of what to achieve with them. My college Sven Herpig and I dissect the German approach to cyber war. Matthias Schulze is an associate at the German Institute for International and Security […]
Moving Beyond Cyber Wars: A Transatlantic Dialogue
„In January 2018, as the German government was trying to cobble together a coalition, and the U.S. government found itself in a shut down, ten Americans and ten Germans committed to the transatlantic relationship considered how they could make their way to Munich, Germany, to find common ground on cybersecurity policy. The U.S. government opened […]