Zahlreiche internet-affine Journalisten und Blogger machen momentan sehr gut darauf aufmerksam, wie offen der rechtsextreme Mob auf Social Media Plattformen wie Facebook operiert. Besonders erschütternd ist, dass Rechte sich so sehr im Aufwind fühlen, dass dies, entgegen der üblichen Sprüche der Konservativen, durchaus mit Klarnamen passiert. Es ist also nicht die böse Anonymität im Internet, […]
Surfing like it’s 1997: Internet trends from a long-forgotten time
While researching for my Ph.D. I’am currently evaluating the origins of the Cyberwar and Information-war concepts. Thereby I stumble over many interesting books and articles from the early years of the Internet, in this case 1997. It is a book that describes „current“ trends in networking. Reading these trends 18 years later is quite interesting. […]
New Publication: Schulze, M. 2015. Patterns of Surveillance Legitimization: The German Discourse on the NSA Scandal. Surveillance & Society 13(2): 197-217
This paper conceptualizes scandals as a special type of discourse in which the legitimacy of surveillance institutions and practices comes into question. Scandals force surveillance advocates to engage in legitimacy management practices (Suchmann 1995) and adopt legitimization strategies that can be observed. This paper presents a framework for the study of surveillance legitimizing strategies in […]